business forms
Business Forms
Enterprise software systems have rich user interfaces with need to provide user interaction on large amount of data. The nature of business data for a large system is often complex that contains lot of information and relationships. As an example, a customer relationship Management System used by an organization is likely to have hundreds of fields that will belong to different sub entities like Personal Details, Address, Contact and Communication Details, Hobbies, Demographic Details etc.
There are many such core entities with sub entities in a big system. Usually the user interface for complex data entities is developed by software developers by writing code which takes longer time and further any future changes require more code changes. Intersoft has addressed the core need of developing complex user interface for web applications with relative ease at a business user level with its Business Forms framework.
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Intersoft Business Forms framework can be integrated in a new system or it can be integrated inside an existing system. It requires you to provide meta data about your data schema and provide basic methods each of which will provide and save data for single database table. Business Forms framework is based on service-oriented architecture that will consume your basic data methods.
The entire User Interface construction work and laying out web forms, fields on forms, binding data to form and retrieving data out of form to save will be handled by Business Forms framework. Business Forms framework has been used successfully for heavy duty user interface for complex entities and many sub entities containing 500+ fields. It can integrate with any type of data schema that can be possibly there in an enterprise level application..
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